Developmental Coaching
If your material is not yet in manuscript form, I will establish an immersive, collaborative relationship to help you shape your manuscript. As you write and rewrite, I will provide feedback and guidance. In essence, I become your writing coach.
Working from your manuscript, I will help you to revise and polish your work into a finished product that you can confidently send out for representation and/or publication. For writers who are in the development stage of a larger project, I offer a coaching package designed to encourage and support completion of a first draft. Each aspect can be negotiated to best suit your needs and budget.
As a general rule of thumb, I have found that a weekly writing and feedback exchange with bimonthly virtual meetings is optimal to keep a project on track. Regardless, your commitments and responsibilities must be factored into our work together. There are options, all of which are negotiable. This is some of the most exciting work I get to do.
Private Tutorials
Sometimes in a writing life an intensive focus on the craft and style
of writing itself is in order, not in an institutional setting
or for a degree, but one-on-one, focused on the specific goals, intentions, and needs of the writer themselves.
While some aspects of educating and training clients in the elements of craft and style are involved in all my services, many clients make the choice, at one time or another, to focus solely on the study and practice of craft and style, without the framework of a longer project or projects. Using two texts that you will be asked to purchase, we explore and develop your understanding and use of all aspects of craft and style. This option works very well for beginning authors and easily adapts to revision and development of shorter work such as individual essays and short stories. For more experienced writers, this course of study expands and enhances your creative toolkit—sometimes, exponentially.
If either of these options calls to you, please reach out to me.